viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

University Class Watches Woman Masturbate With A Fuck Saw

Post image for University Class Watches Woman Masturbate With A Fuck Saw

Best class ever! Illinois' Northwestern University offers a psych class, Human Sexuality, with over 600 students is one of the school's most popular…and I know why!


See, there's some controversy over a demonstration organized for the class, Professor John Baile puts together after class "optional events" for the students, where they can get first hand knowledge of the course material. To quote Prof. Awesome, "we have had a panel of gay men speaking about their sex lives, a transsexual performer, two convicted sex offenders, an expert in female sexual health and sexual pleasure, a plastic surgeon, a swinging couple,"….you get the idea.

So Prof. Awesome taught a class on the gspot and female ejaculation and he followed it up with an after class (optional) presentation with some members of the local "kink community" to present on women squirting. Their presentation consisted of  a naked woman being fucked live in person by her partner using a sex toy for an hour, over and over to the point of orgasm – the sex toy used is being referred to in the news reports on the incident as a FuckSaw (a word which I love seeing in print), an altered powertool that uses the powerful engine from the tool, but is attached to a dildo.

Due to some students and parents complaining, there's now a shitstorm of controversy. Go figure, huh?

But this has been a learning experience for both the students and the public at large…I've learned that higher education is rad and FuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw FuckSawFuckSaw FuckSaw

University Class Watches Woman Masturbate With A Fuck Saw is a post from: The Peeperz Porn & Sex Blog

via Peeperz by Bucky Beall on 3/3/11

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