The rapture has come and gone, and we're all still here able to wank off to the most perverse porn Pornhub has to offer. Every time some new crackpot comes up with an "end of the world" theory, I brush it off as pure insanity, but I have to admit that a small part of me is always a little worried that there's a tiny little chance that it might be true. I mean, on the off chance that the world is coming to an end, I'm worried I simply haven't had enough sex. If the world was suddenly about to implode on itself, wouldn't you indulge in the all the pleasures the world has to offer? Too bad all those pleasures are exactly the kind of things that would leave us behind if the rapture would truly come and sweep all the chosen ones off to heaven.
Rapture also means great happiness, excitement, and pleasure, so in honor of the fact that we're all still here, I've decided to indulge myself in some christian themed porn. I used to work in a church in my early twenties. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not religious in the least. Hell, I'm not even baptized. I spent the summer transferring the church's archives into a computerized data base, and there was something about being in a church all day that made me want to sin.
I can't be the only one (I KNOW I'm not) that finds taboos to be major turn-ons. Tell someone they can't have or do something and you know damn well that's all they're gonna think about. So much about the catholic church is "boo sex", and that's exactly why all I could think about while working in those archives was sex. I admit, I may have barricaded myself in the bathroom a couple times to rub one out. There's something about the solemn mood, the phallic shaped cross, the crisp white underwear of catholic school girls, and the subtle glow of stained glass windows that makes my mind think dirty dirty thoughts… Now, indulge your own perverse thoughts with this vid and gallery of sexy pics.
Check out this video of two nuns getting down and dirty:
Dirty Anal Big Booty Nuns brought to you by PornHub
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The Rapture Has Come & Gone, Celebrate With Catholic Porn is a post from: The Peeperz Porn & Sex Blog
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