Nothing says
classy like a tat on your vulva. Forget the tramp stamp, this is the new way to go. Of course, showing it off in public might be problematic, but you can always start hanging out in
nudist colonies for maximum exposure…or wear see through pants…or chaps… I don't know, you figure it out, you're the nut-ball that got a scary tat on your vag.
10. Butterfly Tattoo
Butterflies have to be the most common tattoo for chicks, but I'm guessing most of them don't get them tattooed on their vulva. Although, this particular chick's labia doesn't kind of look like a caterpillar (I mean that as a compliment).
9. Kitty Vagina
It's the bow tie that really makes this a work of art for me. Sure, kitty, pussy, cat…makes sense for a vulva tattoo, but without the bow tie it would just be too obvious. At least this woman tattoo marks the spot for her clit, in case you were lost down there.
8. Demon Monster Vag
There's something wrong with that monster's tongue. It looks split in the middle or something. Did he get in a tongue fight? I'm scared, mommy!
7. Homer Simpson Vagina Mouth
Homer Simpson's five o'clock shadow never looked so good!
6. Hippie Dude Beard Vag
Perfect pube beard! I don't know how I'd feel about munching down on this dude's face though. On second though, I think I'd prefer chowing down on monster demon pussy.
5. Anatomically Correct Female Anatomy
Generations of teenagers would better understand sex ed if this tattooed lady was part of their educational material.
Via buzzfeed.comTop 10: Superbad Vulva Tattoos is a post from:
The Peeperz Porn & Sex Blogvia
Peeperz by Lola Byrd on 11/21/11
eso de los tatus ni mancha ni espanta mas bien es una gran orterada y fogoneras fogoneros quieren sacar a mas de uno de las casillas se lo hacen los grande invencibles que se oponen a los imperdibles en la epoca antigua a grandes tortas se les repartia ahora se acentuan modernos porque van de paquetes nuevos tanto ellas como ellos manchan su propia piel luego dicen que son de cordero o mas bien de cerdos que encima no se asean ni siquiera se la lavan o se lo lavan como los propios bomberos cada cual hace lo que quiera con su propio cuerpo una cosa es que sea una cicatriz de un accidente se le pone un buen parche y queda elegante pero por manchar tu bella imagen no me parece un capricho sino una cochinada mostrar genitales y otras cosas no dadas sino deseadas